Our Aims and Values

At Hemswell Cliff Primary School Governors, parents and staff work together to achieve the quality education that our children deserve. We care for, and about, all pupils by providing a happy, calm, supportive and stimulating environment. We ensure that the curriculum is well planned to meet individual needs.

All children are encouraged to fell a sense of pride and selfworth in all that they do. They are asked to demonstrate responsibility, tolerance and a desire to achieve the highest possible standards, both as individuals and as members of our school and the wider community.

Our Aims

The aims of the school are to:

Our Values

Hemswell Cliff is a values-led community school. The most important thing for us is the well-being of the children in our care each day. We believe that the pupils will thrive if they are secure and happy in their lives so we communicate productively with parents and carers in a variety of ways including:

Over the last few years we have adopted the Values for Education programme in order to enhance the provision we already had in place to give children the very best opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It particularly draws together strands of the work we do in Religious Education; Personal, Social and Health Education; Citizenship and the respectful way we feel people should manage themselves and behave towards others.

A key value is introduced through a whole-school assembly highlighting the values of:

Responsibility, Patience, Quality, Co-operation, Tolerance and Aspiration

That value has then been discussed and reinforced as part of the curriculum through a range of activities and in subsequent class or assemblies; in social times such as play or lunchtimes and in staff briefings and meetings.

Since we stared our Values work in 2011 the impact has been clear and includes:

Going forwards, we will continue to build on these strong foundations with the aim that our pupils take them out into the community as part of our contribution to the wider society.