The School Day

The school day is structured as follows:

Infants (Reception/KS1)

8.45am to 12.15pm

1.15pm to 3.15pm

Juniors (KS2)

8.45am to 12.15pm

1.15pm to 3.15pm

Children can enter their classrooms from 8.45am.

Breakfast Club

From 8am – 8.45am

Children MUST be booked into breakfast club in advance and there will be a charge of £1 per session per child. The booking form must be completed on a weekly/termly basis. This form MUST be sent back into school by THURSDSAY morning and include payment. This will ensure your child has a place at breakfast and we meet Safeguarding and Health and Safety regulations regarding ratios of staff to children.

Children will be provided with cereal, toast and a drink and activities will be provided for the children to take part in once they have eaten their breakfast, until the start of the school day.

The club is run by paid members of staff and we need to ensure that breakfast club remains sustainable for all children and parents.

Breakfast Club Letter to Parents

Bagel Breakfast

As part of our drive to ensure that all children have breakfast to enable them to have the energy to start their day, we provide bagels to every child when they arrive in their classroom in the morning. The scheme is run by National School Breakfast Programme and we have been lucky enough to have secured sponsorship from:

This will enable us to continue the scheme until July 2023.
Thank you to our generous sponsors.

After School Club
After-school club, daily:
3.15pm -4.30pm - £4
3.15pm -5.30pm - £7.50

Children MUST be booked into after school club in advance.

The booking form must be completed on a weekly/termly basis. This form MUST be sent back into school by THURSDAY morning and include payment. This will ensure your child has a place at club for the following week and we meet Safeguarding and Health and Safety regulations regarding ratios of staff to children.

The club is run by a paid member of staff, who will arrive to run the club if a child/children are booked in.

After School Club Letter to Parents



We aim to encourage children to have good attitudes towards school and work. By giving children a sense of self discipline and pride we believe that they will learn life skills. Parents can help us by ensuring that children arrive at school in good time and are well prepared to begin the day.

Schools now have to report authorised and unauthorised absences and it is a legal requirement that the reasons for children’s absences are entered in the register, for example holiday or medical. We ask parents to notify school on the first day of any absence. A written note, confirming the reason for absence, should be sent to school when your child returns. We recommend that appointments for medical examinations are made outside of school time if at all possible.

Parents are discouraged from taking holidays in term time and authorisation is given at the Headteacher’s discretion. Request forms are available from the school secretary, to be returned to the Headteacher.

Attendance Award

It is vital that children are in school and on time every day in order to achieve their full potential – 5 minutes late every day means that over a year a child will have lost 3 ½ days of learning opportunities!! Our school day begins at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm.
To encourage improved attendance levels, we are introducing a half-termly attendance award. Every child who achieves 100% attendance during the half term, will be awarded with a 100% Attendance Certificate in our Honours Assembly.