Our Curriculum Intent

At Hemswell Cliff Primary School, we want our children to be excited about coming to school. We want them to be curious learners, who find education enjoyable and rewarding. Our curriculum is designed with the intent that our children leave us with the building blocks in place to become successful adults: to be able to gain employment, to live healthy lifestyles, to be moral citizens and to take opportunities to extend their horizons.

In recognition of the context of the starting point of many of our children, we have a strong focus on the teaching and learning of English and Mathematics; we explicitly teach vocabulary, communication and reasoning skills. Our teaching and learning pays due attention to the National Curriculum but we work consistently to ensure our curriculum is relevant to the needs of our children and the community that they live in. We give our children a voice and encourage them to value their community beyond the school gates.

Our ambition is to send our children on to the next stage of their educational journey as confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners with a strong sense of moral purpose and respect for others.

Restore, Recover and Reconnect Curriculum Intent

What is Sumdog?

Sumdog is an online learning resource for Maths. It is fun and engaging with a variety of games for the children to play either individually or against others.

Research has shown that children who practised Maths using Sumdog for 30 minutes or more a week almost doubled their mathematical fluency when compared with children who didn't use Sumdog regularly.

Children have their own username and password and the activities they undertake are tailored to their ability. In school we hold weekly competitions and there are also regional and national contests throughout the year.

Core Subjects

Foundation Subjects

Art & Design Design & Technology Languages (KS2 only) Geography History PE PSHE RE

Click on the subjects above to find out more.


National Tests – also known as SATs tests – are taken by children in Year 2 and Year 6.

  • Reading
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
  • Maths

You can help your child by:

  1. Getting to know the structure of the new tests and what they will cover
  2. Talking to your child and their teacher to identify areas that they will find tricky
  3. Becoming familiar with the terminology that will be used in the tests

Download Scholastic’s handy Parent’s Guide to the New National Curriculum Tests now for a full overview of the new tests and what each test will cover. It also includes glossaries of key grammar, punctuation and mathematical terms, as well as ideas for how you can help your child practice for the tests at home.

ExampleYear 2 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Coordinating conjunctions: Conjunctions used between words, phrases, clauses and sentences of equal importance. E.g. and, or, but

How you can help: Give your child two sentences and ask them to join them together using a coordinating conjunction.

Find more tips like these in the Scholastic's Parents Guide.

See also 2016 national curriculum tests for key stages 1 and 2: information for parents